Peer reviewed publications (click on underlined text to be redirected to the paper)
Ma H, Papworth S, Ge T, Wu X, Yu C, Zhang H, Xiao F, Gaillard D, Bielby J, Turvey S (2023) Ecological knowledge and value of traded species: Local awareness of native turtles in Hainan, China. Animal Conservation (early view)
Virk S, Papworth A, Papworth S (2023) What should we do? An explanatory analysis of the decision-making process in biodiversity conservation. Environmental Science and Policy. 149: 103562.
Pienkowski T, Keane A, Castelló y TickellS, de Lange E, Hazenbosch M, Khanyari M, Arlidge W, Baranyi G, Brittain S, Kapoor V, Mohan V, Papworth S, Ravi R, Smit I, Milner-Gulland EJ (2023) Supporting conservationists’ mental health through better working conditions. Conservation Biology e14097
Pienkowski T, Keane A, de Lange E, Kapoor V, Khanyari M, Ravi R, Smit IPJ, Castelló y Tickell S, Hazenbosch S, Arlidge WNS, Baranyi G, Brittain S, Papworth S, Saxena S, Hout V, Milner Gulland EJ (2023) Psychological distress and workplace risk inequalities among 1 conservation professionals. Conservation Science and Practice 5(6): e12918
Hawkins E, Papworth S (2022) Little evidence to support the risk-disturbance hypothesis as an explanation for responses to anthropogenic noise by pygmy marmosets (Cebuella niveiventris) at a tourism site in the Peruvian Amazon. International Journal of Primatology 43: 1110-1132
Papworth S, Curtin P (2022) Information about conservation status is more important than species appearance in the species preferences of potential conservation donors. Environmental Conservation 49: 146-154
Pienkowski T, Keane A, de Lange E, Khanyari M, Arlidge WNS, Baranyi G, Brittain S, ​Castelló y Tickell S, Hazenbosch M, Papworth S, E.J. Milner-Gulland EJ. (2022) Personal traits predict conservationists' optimism about outcomes for nature. Conservation Letters 15(2): e12873
Ma H, Papworth SK, Qian J, Turvey S (2022) The medium over the message: differential knowledge of conservation outreach activities and implications for threatened species. Journal of Environmental Management 310: e114716
Metcalfe C, Yaicurima AY, Papworth S (2021) Observer effects in a remote population of large-headed capuchins, Sapajus microcephalus. International Journal of Primatology
Pienkowski T, Keane A, Castelló y Tickell S, Hazenbosch M, Arlidge WNS, Baranyi G, Brittain S, de Lange E, Khanyari M, Papworth S, E.J. Milner-Gulland EJ. (2021) Balancing making a difference with living in the conservation sector. Conservation Biology
Archer L, Turvey ST, Apale C, Corona D, Amada R, Papworth S (2021) Digging deeper: understanding the illegal trade and local use of pangolins in Palawan Province, Philippines. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2: 746366.
Jones L, Turvey ST, Papworth S (2021) Is there evidence of shifting baseline syndrome in environmental managers? An assessment using perceptions of bird population targets in UK nature reserves. Journal of Environmental Management 297: 113308
Ma H, Papworth S, Ge T,Wu X, Yu C, Zhang H, Turvey S (2021) Local Awareness and interpretations of species extinctions in a rural Chinese Biodiversity Hotspot. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2: 689561
Archer L, Papworth S, Apale C, Corona D, Gacilos J, Amada R, Waterman C, Turvey S (2020) Scaling up local ecological knowledge to prioritise areas for protection: determining Philippine pangolin distribution, status and threats. Global Ecology and Conservation 24: e01395
Jones S, Papworth S, Keane A, Vickey J, St John F (2020) Consequences of survey method for estimating hunter harvest rates. Conservation, Science and Practice 2(12): e315.
Junker J, Petrovan SO, Arroyo-Rodríguez V, Boonratana R, Byler D, Chapman CA, Chetry D, Cheyne SM, Cornejo FM, Cortés-Ortiz L, Cowlishaw G, Christie AP, Crockford C, de la Torre S, de Melo FR, Fan P, Grueter CC, Guzmán-Caro DC, Heymann EW, Herbinger I, Hoang MD, Horwich RH, Humle T, Ikemeh RA, Imong IS, Jerusalinsky L, Johnson SE, Kappeler PM, Kierulff MCM, Koné I, Kormos R, Le KQ, Li B, Marshall AJ, Meijaard E, Mittermeier RA, Muroyama Y, Neugebauer E, Orth L, Palacios E, Papworth S, Plumptre AJ, Rawson BM, Refisch J, Ratsimbazafy J, Roos C, Setchell JM, Smith RK, Sop T, Schwitzer C, Slater K, Strum SC, Sutherland WJ, Talebi M, Wallis J, Wich S, Williamson EA, Wittig RM, Kühl HS (2020) A severe lack of evidence limits effective conservation of the world's primates. BioScience 70(9): 794-803
Downey H, Amano T, Cadotte M, Cook CN, Cooke SJ, Haddaway N, Jones JPG, Littlewood N, Walsh JC, Abrahams MI, Adum G, Akasaka M, Alves JA, Antwis RE, Arellano EC, Axmacher J, Barclay H, Batty L, Benitez-Lopez A, Bennett JR, Berg MJ, Bertolino S, Biggs D, Bolam FC, Bray T, Brook BW, Bull JW, Burivalova Z, Cabeza M, Chauvenet ALM, Christie AP, Cole L, Cotton AJ, Cotton S, Cousins SAO, Craven D, Cresswell W, Cusak JJ, Dalrymple S, Davies ZG, Diaz A, Dodd JA, Felton A, Fleishman E, Gardner CJ, Garside R, Ghoddousi A, Gilroy JJ, Gill DA, Gill JA, Glew L, Grainger MJ, Grass AA, Greshon S, Gundry J, Hart T, Hopkins CR, Howe C, Johnson A, Jones KW, Jordan NR, Kadoya T, Kerhoas D, Koricheva J, Lee TM, Lengyel S, Livingstone SW, Lyons A, McCabe G, Millett J, Montes Stevens C, Moolna A, Mossman HL, Mukherjee N, Munoz-Saez A, Negroes N, Norfolk O, Osawa T, Papworth S, Park KJ, Pellet J, Phillott AD, Plotnik JM, Priatna D, Ramos AG, Randall N, Richards RM, Ritchie EG, Roberts DL, Rocha R, Rodriguez JP, Sanderson R, Sasaki T, Savilaakso S, Sayer C, Sekercioglu C, Senzaki M, Smith G, Smith RG, Soga M, Soulsbury CD, Steer MD, Stewart G, Strange EF, Suggitt AJ, Thompson RRJ, Thornhill I, Trevelyan R.J, Usieta HO, Venter O, Webber AD, White RL, Whittingham MJ, Wilby A, Yarnell RW, Zamora V, Sutherland WJ (2021) Training future generations to deliver evidence-based conservation and ecosystem management. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 2: e12032
Jones L, Turvey ST, Massimino D, Papworth S (2020) Investigating the implications of shifting baseline syndrome on conservation. People and Nature 2: 1131-1144.
Jones S, Papworth S, Keane A, Vickey J, St John F (2020) The bean method as a tool to measure sensitive behaviour. Conservation Biology 35: 722-732.
Curtin P, Papworth S (2020) Colouring and size influence preferences for imaginary animals and can predict actual donations to species-specific conservation charities. Conservation Letters 13(4): e12723
Jones S, Papworth S, Keane A, St John F, Smith E, Flomo A, Nyamunue Z, Vickey J (2019) Incentives and social relationships of hunters and traders in a Liberian bushmeat system. Biological Conservation 237: 338-347
Sheehan R, Papworth S (2019) Human speech reduces pygmy marmoset (Cebuella pygmaea) feeding and resting at a Peruvian tourism site, with louder volumes decreasing visibility. American Journal of Primatology 81:e22967. (Article in The Conversation).
Jones S, Keane Z, St John F, Vickery J, Papworth S (2019) Audience segmentation to improve the targeting of hunters by conservation interventions around Gola Forest, Liberia. Conservation Biology 33: 895-905
Papworth S, Thomas RL, Turvey ST (2019) Increased dispositional optimism in conservation professionals. Biodiversity and Conservation 28: 401-414. (Find out how optimistic you are).
Turvey ST, Shu C, Tapley B, Wei G, Xie F, Yan F, Yang J, Liang Z, Tian H, Wu M, Okada S, Wang J, Lu J, Zhou F, Papworth S, Redbond J, Brown T, Che J, Cunningham A. (2018) Imminent extinction in the wild of the world's largest amphibian. Current Biology 28(10): R592-594. (media coverage).
Curtin P, Papworth S (2018) Increased information and marketing to specific individuals could shift conservation support to less popular species. Marine Policy 88:101-107.
Papworth S, Rao M, Myint Oo M, Thinn Latt K, Tizard R, Pienkowski T, Carrasco R (2017) The impact of gold mining and agricultural concessions on the tree cover and local communities in northern Myanmar. Scientific reports 7, 46594
Papworth S (2016) Indigenous peoples, primates, and conservation evidence: a case study focussing on the Waorani of the Maxus Road. Ethnoprimatology: Primate conservation in the 21st century. M Waller (ed) Springer International Publishing: Switzerland. p95-116.
Carrasco LR, Papworth SK, Reed J, Symes WS, Ickowitz A, Peh KS-H, Sunderland T (2016) Five challenges to reconcile agricultural land use and forest ecosystem services in Southeast Asia. Conservation Biology 30(5): 962-971
Nghiem LTP, Papworth SK, Lim FKS, Carrasco LR (2016). Analysis of the capacity of Google Trends to measure interest in conservation topics and the role of online news. PLOS ONE 11(3): e0152802
Soliman T, MacLeod A, Mumford J, Nghiem L, Tan H, Papworth S, Corlett R, Carrasco R (2016) A regional decision support scheme for pest risk analysis in Southeast Asia. Risk Analysis 36 (5):904-913
Papworth S, Mejia M (2015) Population density of Ecuadorian mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata aequatorialis) in a tropical dry forest, with information on habitat selection, calling behaviour and cluster sizes. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 50 (2): 65-72.
Papworth S, Nghiem TPL, Chimalakonda D, Posa MRC, Wijedasa LS, Bickford D, Carrasco LR. (2015) Quantifying the role of online news in linking conservation research to Facebook and Twitter. Conservation Biology 29 (3): 825-833. (media coverage)
Salcedo A, Mejia M, Slocombe K, Papworth S. (2014) Two case studies using playbacks to census Neotropical primates: Callicebus discolor and Alouatta palliata aequatorialis. Neotropical Primates 21 (2): 201-205.
Carrasco LR, Papworth S. (2014) A ranking of net national contributions to climate change mitigation through tropical forests conservation. Journal of Environmental Management 146: 575-81
Papworth S, Kang A, Rao M, Chin ST, Zhao H, Zhao X, Carrasco LR (2014) Bear-proof fences reduce livestock losses in the Tibetan Autonomous Region, China. Conservation Evidence 11: 8-11
Papworth S, Milner-Gulland EJ, Slocombe K (2013) The natural place to begin: the ethnoprimatology of the Waorani. American Journal of Primatology 75(11): 1117-1128.
Papworth S, Milner-Gulland EJ, Slocombe K (2013) Hunted woolly monkeys (Lagothrix poeppigii) show threat sensitive responses to human presence. PLOS ONE 8(4): e62000. (media coverage).
Papworth S, Bunnefeld N, Slocombe K, Milner-Gulland EJ (2012) Movement ecology of human resource users: Using net squared displacement, biased random bridges and resource utilisation functions to quantify hunter and gatherer behaviour. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3: 584-594. (Won the British Ecological Society’s Robert M. May prize 2012) Supplementary materials. Example data file.
Papworth S, Coad L, Rist J, Miller-Gulland EJ (2009) Shifting baseline syndrome as a concept in conservation. Conservation Letters 2: 93 – 100 doi: 10.1111/j.1755-263X.2009.00449. (featured by Faculty of 1000)
Slocombe K, Kaller T, Turman L, Squibbs P, Townsend S, Papworth S, Zuberbuhler K (2009) Production of food-associated calls in wild male chimpanzees is dependent on the composition of the audience. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64: 1959-1966
Herbinger I, Papworth S, Boesch C and Zuberbuhler K (2009) Vocal, gestural and locomotor responses of wild chimpanzees to familiar and unfamiliar intruders: a playback study. Animal Behaviour 78: 1389-1396
Papworth S, Barker J, Bose A-S, Schell AM, Zuberbühler K (2008) Male blue monkeys alarm call in response to danger experienced by others. Biology Letters 4: 472 – 475 doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2008.0299 (media coverage)
Other publications (Click on underlined text to download).
Papworth (2021) Population density of titi monkeys (Plecturocebus discolor) in Yasuni National Park, Ecuador. Dataset on Figshare.
Papworth S, Kawashima F, Thornton A (2019) Can information-seeking behaviour be encouraged in conservation professionals? Unpublished report.
Bowey Strange T, Papworth S (2017) How does type and number of volunteers affect data collected during animal surveys in Peru? Unpublished report.
Papworth S (2017) Decision-making psychology and bolster conservation. Nature Ecology and Evolution 1 1217-1218
Papworth S, Mejia M (2013) Los monos aulladores del Bosque Protector del Cerro Blanco, Guayas, Ecuador: Un primer censo e investigación de selección de hábitat. Informe por el Bosque Protector del Cerro Blanco.